roast是什么意思,roast的解释 您所在的位置:网站首页 toast and roast是什么意思 roast是什么意思,roast的解释


2024-05-29 08:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

roastv.(动词)roast.ed,,roasts及物动词)To cook with dry heat, as in an oven or near hot coals.烘烤:如放在烤箱里或热煤附近通过干热烘烤To dry, brown, or parch by exposing to heat.烧:通过受热使干、使成褐色或使焦干To expose to great or excessive heat.使受热:暴露于高热或强热中Metallurgy To heat (ores) in a furnace in order to dehydrate, purify, or oxidize before smelting.【冶金学】 煅烧(矿石):为在熔化前脱去水份、提纯或氧化而在熔炉里焙烧(矿石)Informal To ridicule or criticize harshly.【非正式用语】 挖苦:嘲笑或严厉地批评v.intr.(不及物动词)To cook food in an oven.烘烤:在烤箱里烘烤食物To undergo roasting.烤,炙,烘:进行烘烤n.(名词)

Something roasted.烘烤过的东西A cut of meat suitable or prepared for roasting.烘烤用的肉:适于烘烤或准备用来烘烤的肉块

The act or process of roasting.烤,炙,烘:烘烤的行为或过程The state of being roasted.烘烤过的状态

Harsh ridicule or criticism.嘲笑:讥讽或严厉的批评A facetious tribute, usually in the form of a banquet, in which the honoree`s friends and acquaintances alternate short speeches of praise and insult.开玩笑:通常指宴会上受奖赏人的朋友和熟人轮流作的简短的赞美或辱骂性讲话等诙谐的言辞adj.(形容词)Roasted:烘烤过的:例句:roast duck.烤鸭

来源:Middle English rosten 中古英语 rosten from Old French rostir [of Germanic origin] 源自 古法语 rostir [源于日耳曼语]






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